Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Uniqueco Property Services ignored overdue repairs and actions for SP52948 Lot 158 common property since 27 October 2023

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Steve Carbone, Sandra Carbone
Cc: Robert Crosbie, Heath Crosbie
Cc: Committee members: Stan Pogorelsky, John Gore, Genelle Godbee, Ramesh Desai, Kathryn Cutler, Carlos Fornieles Montoya, Andrew Ip, Jeffery Wang
Subject: REQUEST to BUILDING MANAGER - Overdue repairs and actions for SP52948 Lot 158 common property in Oct2023
Date: 27/10/23, 07:50

Good morning Uniqueco Property Services staff,

a) By now, you have probably heard that Lot 158 prevented an attempt to renew your contract at AGM 2023, where Chairperson Mr. John Gore claimed they did not extend it for three years without general meeting in spite of what he wrote in agenda for AGM 2023:


Mr. Gore completely failed to justify his statements at AGM 2023 when challenged about figures and details. His made-up figures and misleading statements held no ground.

b) At AGM 2023, few committee members were strongly wishing not to have tender for building management, which would be against the law.

What they wish is irrelevant and we will make sure that the tender for the management contract is valid.

To give "fair go" to all parties, Uniqueco Property Services is requested to analyze and action issues listed in attachment " SP52948-Lot-158-unresolved-common-property-issues-Oct2023.pdf".

As Extraordinary General Meeting is due soon (waste of owners corporation money due to lack of proper preparation of AGM 2023), it is strongly advisable that responses from the building management be prompt.

c) At AGM 2023, negative balance (deficit) in Admin Fund is -$307,580.90 without disclosure to owners.

Mr. Carbone prevented Lot 158 message to be put on notice boards (or near them), directly attempting to influence AGM 2023.

d) After sending our email on 24 October 2023, Waratah Strata Management suddenly added expenses for building manager with decreased salary but still above the values in contract which expires on 31 January 2024.

AGM 2023 was notified by Lot 158 that NCAT can terminate oppressive building management (or strata management) contract, as shown in January 2022, where the Tribunal exercised its power to terminate a building management agreement for the first time, in the case of The Owners- Strata Plan No. 64807 v Sunaust Properties Pty Ltd [2022] NSWCATD 20. After concluding that section 72 of the SSMA applied to the Agreement, the Tribunal determined that the Agreement should be terminated under section 72 on the basis that: the BM had failed to perform the Agreement satisfactorily, the charges payable by the owners corporation under the Agreement were unfair, the Agreement was otherwise harsh, oppressive, unconscionable or unreasonable.

The Tribunal identified the following conduct as evidence that the building manager had failed to perform the Agreement satisfactorily:

e) As per contract with SP52948, Uniqueco Property Services is directly responsible for maintaining common property, helping with long-term plans for maintenance and upgrades, and protecting common property from damage and misappropriation.

Three items Uniqueco Property Services is asked to confirm: