Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - BCS Strata Management declined to respond to concerns about SP52948 complaince with caretaker contract and By-Laws on 25 October 2015

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Russell Young BCS Strata Management, Gary Mills BCS Strata Management, Greg Freeman Pica Group
Subject: INQUIRY Compliance with Caretaker's Contract and Upholding SP52948 By-Laws
Date: 25/10/15, 7:41 am

Two simple questions to confirm as part of ongoing investigations and actions:

1. As per contract, monthly report must contain photos of all damages caused in the complex.

There were many this year.

I have requested access to them and they are nowhere to be seen.

Have you complied with that contractual obligation over the last 11 months?

2. Have you received any official approval for permanent carpark abuse, in non-compliance with By-Law 2 of SP52948.

One good and blatant example is photographed here:


3. Have you been given copies of professional building reports, especially Napier & Blakeley damning summary dated July 2012? Number of items are still outstanding, including all four roof membranes, building painting, lifts, garden beds, and so on.

We still have three year-old OH&S issue with tripping hazard due to uneven pavers in the courtyard. Nothing has been done so far.