Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management Ignored Repeated Complaints About Silverfish in SP52948 on 7 July 2020

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Frank Tallaridi, Robert Crosbie
Subject: REQUEST FOR MAINTENANCE - Sightings of silverfish in Lots 152 and 158
Date: 7/7/20, 08:34

Good morning,

No reply was received in regards to previous complaints about poor air flow in one bathroom and laundry room since June 2018. We record videos of their air flows on regular basis as evidence.

Due to log-term water leaks coming from laundry of Lot 159, strata had to completely repair laundry room in our Lot 158 earlier this year. Even sink had to be replaced because of rust.

Lot 158 has humidity meter so we very carefully check status in our unit and clean all areas regularly (including taking down all vent grilles and washing them every couple of months).

In recent months, another problem appeared.

Sightings of silverfish in Lot 152 and 158. It is very possible the same problem occurs elsewhere but tenants and owners are ignoring it.

In case of Lot 158, they were found near entry door to the unit (not in bathrooms or laundry room), suggesting they were coming from outside.

Silverfish thrive in moist, humid environments, and:

a) Have destructive feeding habits, often ruining upholstery, papers, clothing and wallpaper.

b) Often present a mild risk to people and property. They do not transmit disease, but the pests may trigger allergies in some people.

c) Their presence sometimes attracts carpet beetles.

It is requested for building manager to investigate if silverfish is common in SP52948 and take corrective actions to ensure proper air flows in units (bathrooms and laundry rooms are well ventilated) and seal up leaky pipes. They should also keep the weather out by sealing up exterior cracks with caulk and making sure gutters and downspouts are clear so water can run down and away.


On 26/5/20 10:16 am, SP52948 owner wrote:

Since June 2018 Lot 158 has been reporting isues with amount of fresh air coming throgh vents in one bathroom and laundry (the other bathroom is fine). We are also aware that some vents in units were cleaned up by Uniqueco Property Services (or somebody sent by them) without allegedly taking vent covers for washing in warm water and detergent.

The attached photos have been taken in Lot 158 laundry this week. Note that ALL vent covers in Lot 158 are removed from ceilings and properly washed with detergent every three-four months and that Lot 158 got rid of electric cloth dryer 20 years ago so the amount of lint and dust in the air is minimised.

Main reason why we forced repairs of vent cover in main bathroom is that it still allowed us proper removal of the cover for cleaning, instead of having it screwed in the ceiling. Talking to some owners and tenants, they are lead to believe that vent covers cannot be taken out of ceiling, which is wrong. We also learned that some vent covers are actually screwed in ceilings, which we hope are not the case because it would endanger helath of all residents due to inability to clean them up properly.

Even though Lot 158 takes extreme measures to have clean vent covers, it is clear from attached photos that dust and dirt gathers on vent covers easily. That is a health hazard, especially if the amount of fresh air coming through vents is not  sufficient (Lot 158 has againtaken video evidence of poor air flow in one bathroom and laundry).

It is obvious that world has changed dramatically since Covid-19. Having proper ventilation is a crucial part of preventing infection.

Rule’s research on COVID-19 found, that after social distancing, ventilation was the second most significant part of preventing infection spread, because air conditioning prevents infection by removing air from a room where there are virus droplets.

AIRAH (the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating) have said that they have found no evidence to suggest that air-conditioned in homes and businesses transmit COVID-19 at this time.

While there is no firm evidence the disease can travel around buildings though air-conditioning systems, allowing more fresh external air into buildings with heating and ventilation systems is one suggested tactic. Also, enhanced filtration can play a role, and there is “ample evidence” that viruses do better in low humidity.

Question requiring immediate response: what is Waratah Strata Management and Uniqueco Property Services doing in regards to pro-active maintenance of all HVAC units, cleaning air vent covers in the ceilings, and advising all owners and tenants about it? To clean air vent covers they should be removed from ceilings and be soaked in hot, soapy water. For scrubbing off the stubborn dust, one can use a microfiber cloth or even a small sponge paintbrush.

PS. Some of q
uarterly HVAC maintenance tasks (designed to ensure comfort, air quality, safety and a healthy environment). Ignoring to delaying these items could result in an increase in indoor allergy symptoms, illnesses and a loss of efficiency:

Apply Anti-bacterials and Anti-Corrosion Treatments to Chillers or Water Towers if Needed
Change Air Filters
Check Electrical Components and Wires
Clean Dirt, Leaves and Debris from Around Outside Unit
If the HVAC Unit Is Equipped with UV Lamp, Ensure Proper Operation
Inspect Air Handler P-Trap
Inspect and Program Thermostats (Seasonally)
Inspect Drain Tube and Pan for Moisture, Mold and Bacteria Growth
Inspect HVAC and/or Boiler Piping for Leaks and Signs of Corrosion
Make Sure Dampeners are Operating Correctly

Yearly preventative maintenance tasks are designed to prevent catastrophic failures by finding problems in a timely manner:

Check coils for Corrosion and Damage
Check Fan Motors and Other Moving Parts for Wear and Tear
Disassemble Cooling Tower Screens
Examine Heating and Cooling Bills and Compare Them with Previous Year
Have Air Conditioning Unit Professionally Inspected (Prior to Summer)
Have HVAC Unit Professionally Cleaned
Have HVAC Vents Cleaned and Inspected for Mold
Inspect BAS System or HVAC Control System for Proper Operation and Function
Inspect Fans Belts for Wear and Tear
Inspect Heating Ignition and Heat Exchanger (Prior to Winter)
Inspect HVAC Unit for Bacterial Growth, Especially Chillers
Inspect Internal Components for Moisture Accumulation and Mold
Make Sure HVAC Ducts are Properly Insulated
Consider Performing Energy Efficient Upgrades