Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management ignored SP52948 owner's fire safety concerns on 5 March 2020

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Frank Tallaridi Waratah Strata Management
Subject: Re: SP52948 - Eagle Fire Inspection of Lot 158
Date: 5/3/20, 7:19 pm

a) We repeat: please provide the full fire safety report for 2020 to Lot 158 immediately and details of the regulation.

b) There are 58 units with peep holes in SP52948. The fire safety report should list all of them and the listed owners must provide full information about manufacturer compliance as well!

If you do not provide the full fire safety report for FY 2020 in your reply, you are instructed not to contact Lot 158 any longer.

Thank you.

On 5/3/20 9:18 am, Frank Tallaridi wrote:

It is necessary that you manufacturers corresponding information to support that the peep hole is compliant

Please provide that information urgently. Failure to do so may result in the fire contractor deeming the door non-compliant and require replacing.