Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management ignored complaint about SP52948 usage of power tools before 8:00 hours and house rules on 24 December 2020

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Robert Crosbie, Stuart Greene
Subject: REPEATED OFFICIAL COMPLAINT AND REQUEST FOR IMMEDIATE RECTIFICATION: SP52948 Power tools before 8:00 hours and house rules on 24Dec2020
Date: 24/12/20, 10:01 am

Good morning

No responses were received.

Today, staff started using line trimmer (whipper snipper) near Block A at 07:30 hours. Very noisy and unnecessary timing for such action.

Based on that fact, Lot 158 will start using tennis courts from 07:00 hours any time they wish during weekdays. If that is a problem, you can report it during NCAT case 20/33352 in February 2021. You will only have to prove that tennis court noise is worse than the ones generated by mower and whipper snipper.
