Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - CCTV data retention request for Police Event E95762188 on 13 Apr2023

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Heath Crosbie Waratah Strata Management
CC: Robert Crosbie Waratah Strata Management
Subject: CCTV DATA RETENTION REQUEST Police Event E95762188: SP52948 Lot 193 non-compliance with By-Law 3 - attempt to forcefully enter elevator and unnecessary harassment of Lot 158 in Block A on 12Apr2023
Date: 13/4/23, 06:44

Good morning,

Re: Retention of CCTV footage

We are sending this email as per Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 application, subpoena or other court order that require the production of CCTV footage as follows:

Location: SP52948 CCTV camera in foyer of Block A

Description: Lot 193 non-compliance with By-Law 3 - attempt to forcefully enter elevator and unnecessary harassment of Lot 158 owners in Block A

Date: 12 April 2023

Time: Approximately between 18:10 and 18:11 hours

Police Event: E95762188

We request that SP52948 retains the CCTV footage and pass it to us.

We ask that SP52948 ensures the footage is not destroyed and confirms in writing that it has been retained.

It is emphasized that number of previous requests for CCTV were ignored.

Between 18:10 hours and 18:11 hours on 12 April 2023, foyer of Block A: two owners from Lot 158 were going in elevator from level 2 to basement, when the elevator was stopped on ground floor. Lot 193 owner, Mr. Lech Wieczorek attempted to enter. He was politely asked not to enter and overcrowd the limited space in the elevator. The elevator door then automatically closed to go to basement. Unexpectedly, Mr. Wieczorek pressed the button and opened the elevator door again. This process happened five to six times. Mr. Wieczorek happened to be very agitated and even mentally unstable. He stayed silent when asked what he really wanted and why he played with the elevator button. He also ignored warning that he was recorded on CCTV. He even stayed silent when we wished him to "have a nice day". He wanted to achieve something but it was unclear what. He is known for public view that Lot 158 owners are "nuisance" in the complex, and he disliked our efforts to enforce proper management of the complex. His childish attempt of harassment and intimidation was irrefutable. Eventually, he let Lot 158 owners continue to travel in the elevator without him.

Police Event was generated at Top Ryde LAC: E95762188.

By trying to forcefully enter the elevator (in spite of what any reasonable person would do in time of continuous Covid-19 issues) Mr. Wieczorek deliberately exhibited behaviour that borders with harassment, nuisance, and silly attempt of intimidation.

We have no relationship with Lot 193 and no interest in having one. His erratic behavior was deliberate and unjustified.

Video evidence from CCTV recording from camera in Block A foyer can confirm this event.
