Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management ignored concerns about illegal private business coaching tennis for SP52948 non-residents on 30 September 2019

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Frank Tallaridi, Robert Crosbie
Subject: INQUIRY: Who monitors tennis court and swimming pool use for coaching non-residents
Date: 30/9/19, 7:52 pm


Back in 2012, owners rejected requests for using tennis courts for coaching, even when there was an offer to compensate owners corporation for it.

Please confirm the following in 2019:

a) Tennis coaching for non-residents is very active and regular every week.

b) Common property is used for profiting an individual owner.

If that is the case, and is allowed, Lot 158 submits request for exclusive use of common property at the back of Block A to create private square-foot vegetable garden free of charge.

c) Is it feasible that owner profiting from tennis coaching might not be declaring the tax for it and that owners corporation would be a silent supporter of cash economy?

d) By which By-Law is owners corporation protected against claims for accidents or injuries during tennis coaching?
