Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management ignored SP52948 owner submission about fire door risks and some lots still not checked for fire safety on 19 May 2019

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Robert Crosbie Waratah Strata Management, Frank Tallaridi
Subject: REQUEST FOR IMMEDIATE REPLY AND ACTION: Fire door safety risks and some lots still not checked for fire safety as of 19May2019
Date: 19/5/19, 9:02 pm


In accordance with SSMA 2015 Section 106 (Duty of owners corporation to maintain and repair property), and in compliance with Motion 19 at Annual General Meeting 2018 (strata affairs directly affecting Lot 158), it is requested that complaint about fire safety be listed in the minutes of the next EC meeting, and warning issued to maintenance staff to properly maintain all lights and safety in the complex in an orderly manner.

Lot 158 can confirm the following with latest evidence:

a) Ryde Council visit obviously forced Waratah Strata Management and maintenance staff to clean up all wells near the fire stairs in our strata complex. They are now finally clean from rubbish and other building material (including having broken gym treadmill left near fire door for more than six years!).

b) On the negative side, the following issues were uncovered today. Fact that Lot 158 is shocked by lack of fire safety in the complex is an understatement:

1. All door handle latches on fire doors in the basements were removed without owners corporation knowledge, approvals, or notice. That happened recently and without obvious trace who authorised or organised it. Lot 158 witnessed handyman and EC Member from Lot 151 several days ago working near fire door 1.

2. The exits from fire door 1, 2, and 3 is now possible without using push bars or door handles. Basically, with a simple push of the finger, one can open some of the fire doors effortlessly.

3. Some fire doors still do not have proper fire safety notices and warnings about penalties.

4. Fire door 6 is so jammed from opening from inside, it would be a death trap in a real emergency scenario.

5. Doors do not close properly and stay ajar, allowing anyone to enter the complex without challenge and without being detected (no CCTV) in those areas. Video evidence collected:







As an example, anyone can enter the complex at night through fire door 1 and 3, without detection.

6. Smoking behind fire door 2 still continues on a regular basis, albeit the smoker removes cigarette butts immediately.

c) 34 out of 192 lots in four buildings required annual fire safety re-inspection on 7 March 2019 - one month after the first one, and evidence shows that some of them are still unattended. Photo from Lot 154 on 17 May 2019 shows that the fire checks have not been completed yet, although AFSS documents needed to be submitted in April of each year.

Urgent email between BCS Strata Management staff in late June 2016 shows that late AFSS submissions are quite common in our complex (Lot 158 has copy of email "URGENT SP52948 - 1-15 FONTENOY ROAD - AFSS Aprl 2016.msg").
