Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management ignored 15 complaints about smoking in SP52948 Block A basement as of 1 August 2020

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Robert Crosbie, Frank Tallaridi
Subject: PROBLEM REPORT - 15th COMPLAINT: Smoking in basement near Block A continues - 1Aug2020
Date: 1/8/20, 2:32 pm

Whilst walking in garage area today, during unannounced electrical work in basement Block A, Lot 158 owners detected strong smell of smoking.

At the time, three people were near garages of Lot 151, 152, and 158:

We did not take action because it was not obvious who was smoking and not fair to blame anyone without evidence.

By pure luck, at 13:25 hours, Lot 158 went to garage area again (in preparation for going to shopping centre) and witnessed first-hand tenant from Lot 191 smoking.

He was approached and politely advised that smoking on common property, especially within buildings was strictly forbidden. The tenant was very kindly reminded that the only partially-official area for smoking was in the gazebo neat tennis courts (the sign that smoking was allowed in the gazebo was gone long ago and in spite of many complaints, maintenance staff failed to erect a new sign).

Tenant from Lot 191 was also advised that there were visible signs about forbidden smoking throughout the complex.

The tenant claimed he did not know smoking was forbidden but promised to stop it after finishing the current cigarette.