Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Letter of Demand for Robert Crosbie on 2 October 2020

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Robert Crosbie Waratah Strata Management
Subject: Letter of Demand on 2Oct2020
Date: 2/10/2020, 14:50

Dear Sir,

The undersigned, without prejudice, hereby demands that you confirm or refute Lot 158 statements that you, as representative of Waratah Strata Management, had full knowledge of BCS Strata Management and Solicitor Adrian Mueller deliberately engaged in deceitful actions resulting in:

a) Illegal engagement of Solicitor Adrian Mueller in representation of strata plan SP52948 in Fair Trading case SM12/1537JR, CTTT case SCS 12/32675, and CTTT case SCS 12/50640,

b) Four fraudulent insurance claims for Solicitor Adrian Mueller’s legal costs in non-existent “CTTT defense of Lot 3”, amounting to $28,511.24 (GST incl) paid to strata plan SP52948 in 2012 and 2013, where CHU Insurance forced the strata corporation to repay $8,800.00 in 2017,

c) Had knowledge of creation of false statements in BCS Strata Management strata manager’s Statutory Declaration to CTTT on 19 April 2013,

d) Had knowledge of creation of false statements in BCS Strata Management strata manager’s Affidavit to District Court on 31 January 2014,

e) Had knowledge of strata plan SP52948 paying more than 70% increase in insurance premiums in 2012 due to high risks with legal claims for Solicitor Adrian Mueller, disregarding warnings by AJG Insurance Broker and CHU Insurance on 1 August 2012,

f) Silently refused to provide assistance to Police in Event E65804633 since 2018,

g) Failed to act upon Lot 158 complaints and evidence since 2012, including five offers for free mediation at Fair Trading NSW,

h) Provided misleading statements to CTTT, knowing they were untrue,

i) Risked well-being and safety of Lot 158 and his family due to continuous efforts to pervert the course of justice (“the Action”).

Please note that if I have to commence legal proceedings in order to require your performance of the Action, this letter will be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to attempt to resolve this matter. Further, you may be liable for any court costs, lawyer fees and damages, including punitive damages.

You might want to contact a lawyer to discuss your legal right and responsibilities.

I trust common sense will prevail.