Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - SP52948 Lot 158 First Response for Costs to Solicitor Adrian Mueller's Fraudulent Legal Claims in NCAT File No. SC 20/33352 (JSM 37289)

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Solicitor Adrian Mueller
CC: Moses Levitt, Stan Pogorelsky, Jeffery Wang, Thomas Karolewski, John Gore, Stuart Greene Waratah Strata Management, Robert Crosbie Waratah Strata Management
Date: 19/7/21, 08:27

Good morning Solicitor Mueller,


BCC: Five members of the executive committee and two strata managers at Waratah Strata Management

Many thanks for the generous letter and offer to settle alleged costs incurred by you in NCAT case SC 20/33352.

The Applicant, as always, welcomes opportunity to discuss and settle the costs once their validity is established.

The Applicant's three options for costs have been prepared and they will be submitted once some details are clarified.

To avoid any unnecessary expense, the Respondent is requested to provide the following UNREDACTED evidence in electronic form (Covid-19 restrictions justify it):

  1. Copy of signed Standard Costs Agreement for engagement in NCAT 20/33352.
  2. Copy of email or proof of letter that Solicitor Adrian Mueller received a formal authorization to represent owners corporation in NCAT 20/33352. Legally, it would have to be done straight after the general meeting on 22 October 2020 so that the Respondent prepared their evidence for complying with Directions Hearing orders dated 25 September 2020.
  3. Copy of AUDITED detailed income and expenditure report for period 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. Economos signed the audited accounts on 3 November 2020, 12 days after the Annual General Meeting, in non-compliance with STRATA SCHEMES MANAGEMENT ACT 2015 – SECT 95 and STRATA SCHEMES MANAGEMENT REGULATION 2016 – REG 21).
  4. Copy of detailed income and expenditure statement for period 1 September 2020 to 19 July 2021 (today), which include proofs of payments to Solicitor Adrian Mueller.
  5. Copies of emails related to SUU insurance claim listed in Solicitor's invoice 103514 dated 6 May 2021 (as per attachment "Solicitor-Adrian-Mueller-extract-from-invoice-103514.webp"). SUU declined to quote insurance renewal in 2012 due to SOlicitor Adrian Mueller's high risks (refer to attachments).
  6. Copies of emails related to NCAT communications listed in Solicitor's invoice 103514 dated 6 May 2021 (as per attachment "Solicitor-Adrian-Mueller-extract-from-invoice-102134.webp").

It is in interest of the Respondent to be prompt and provide requested files (as per attachments and the Respondent's commitment to owners corporation in Minutes of committee meeting on 7 May 2020).

The Applicant is eagerly awaiting your response, which must be shared with NCAT.


On 12/7/21 3:13 pm, Adrian Mueller wrote:


I attach my letter and its enclosures for your attention.

Yours faithfully

Adrian Mueller
