Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Waratah Strata Management ignored continued attempts of harrassment and intimidation by Uniqueco Property Services staff on 20 December 2018

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Robert Crosbie Waratah Strata Management
Subject: Staff of Uniqueco Pty Ltd continued attempts of harassment and intimidation
Date: 20/12/18, 5:15 am


One week after the AGM 2018, in spite of efforts to ensure full guarantee of safety and well-being of female owner of Lot 158, the attempt of harassment and intimidation by maintenance staff was recorded on 26 October 2018 which she did not provoke or invite.

Police event was generated.

Then, on 14 November 2018, two staff tried to bully and intimidate even myself, while collecting evidence of security lights not being operational on common property for months, and continuous and blatant abuse of SP52948 By-Laws and OH&S regulations in regards to smoking in basement and near fire door 2.

Another Police event was generated.

Through this email, in final attempt to reason with SP52948, the following request is made:

a) To publish this information in the Minutes of the next EC meeting.

b) To provide written guarantee for safety of ALL tenants in Lot 158 (and any other owners and tenants in the complex for that matter).

c) List of actions taken against their staff to prevent ANY such issue in the future.

Letter addressed to Waratah Strata Management by distressed female owner of Lot 158 on 18 February 2018 was never replied to or officially addressed at EC meetings.
