Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - BCS Strata Management ignored inquiry about SP52948 committee member Sandra Quick not reading strata files on 6 August 2013

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Peter Bone BCS Strata Management
CC: Paul Banoob BCS Strata Management
Date: 6/8/13, 11:01 pm


Earlier today, for a reason difficult to understand, Mrs. Sandra Quick approached me to say that she had met a very nice Bulgarian taxi driver and that had made her think about me!?

Nevertheless, during a brief discussion the following was confirmed by her:

1. She has no internet access or computer and has difficulties understanding the issues I have been raising!? Apparently, it is too difficult for her to get involved.

2. She has never looked at any evidence or documents, apart from oral discussions at the EC meetings!

3. She has nobody in the complex who can help her to view documents available via web at Raine & Horne! That is what she stated in her own words.

4. As an example, she believes that the total legal costs so far are "several" thousand dollars and does not accept the fact that it is above $32,000.00.

5. She was unable to answer my question why was she on the EC if she was not prepared to read documents.

Her defense based on lack of knowledge will not help her when things escalate further. Ignorance of law is not an excuse.

Therefore, my simple request: help her understand her duties and provide documents that she, legally, must consider before making any decision. In this specific case, let her know about the Solicitor's full costs.

At the AGM this year, the following will be asked (among many other questions):

a. Which members of the EC viewed the invoices in this or previous financial years?

b. Which members of the EC approved the invoices?

c. Did the Strata Manager duly notify all EC members about every issue in the complex, or just selected two-three members of the committee?