Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - BCS Strata Management ignored concerns about lack of access to strata files and that SP52948 Solicitor Adrian Mueller lied at CTTT Hearing SCS 12/32675 on 17 October 2012

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Peter Bone BCS Strata Management
Date: 17/10/12, 11:23 pm

Hello Peter,

I have asked this several times, but it seems that I need one more.

At the AGM 2012 tonight, the owner of lot 3 stated that he provided public liability insurance details for all years since 2003 to you. The documents are readily available in your office, according to the information given tonight.

I would also like to state that such documents were not provided to me, so this is the final request to do so.

I need copies of the insurance details that include no less than $5,000,000.00 for public liability as per By-Law 4.

Please provide it.

Note that Adrian Mueller made a sworn statement this afternoon at CTTT that owners of Lot 3 were something like overseas and not available to attend. We now know that was not true. I am not trying to be picky, but that was a seriously wrong statement, because the Tribunal member and I agreed not to push it at this stage.

So, if you do not provide full copies of the insurance as per By-Law 4 for lot owner 3 since 2003 by Friday morning, I will notify the CTTT that the Solicitor made a false statement under oath and that the insurance details do not exist or are refused to be provided upon request. That part of the case can turn silly and nasty. I do not want it and you do not want it.

The simple solution is to make the insurance details available now.
