Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Bamfield auditors ignored concerns about incorrect auditing figures for SP52948 on 10 October 2013

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Mario Raciti Bamfiled & Co Accountants & Auditors
Subject: INQUIRY: Bamfield Audit Report for Strata Plan 52948 on 10 October 2013
Date: 13/11/13, 10:42 am


I am taking the liberty to contact you directly and I apologize if you are not the right audience. This is a confidential inquiry.

You certainly do not know it, but I am the one who raised many questions and uncovered serious financial and management issues in Strata Plan 52948 (going on for 13 years). How serious it is: I received anonymous death threat in the past, I received anonymous letterbox warning, my wife was bullied by a deranged EC member in the garage when I was on business...

Here is where you can help.

At AGM 2013 on 23 October, I documented number of errors in financial summary that was given to owners (based on your audit).

The Executive Committee and the Strata Manager squarely passed all blame to the auditors (yourself) because Bamfield "approved the accounts and that meant we not being an accountant) could not be wrong". Instead of reviewing the invoices, they simply stated that Bamfield was fully responsible for the audit.

I am sure you want to keep your reputation intact, so that is why I am contacting you.

I enclose herewith examples of obvious errors in accounting (even without going into deep details).

a) What is your position in regards to these (and any other errors)? I know that your statement clearly says that the Managing Agents are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report.

Knowing that it was not "fair" in many areas, do you intend to investigate it further, or let owners believe that any errors are of your doing?

Be aware that Raine & Horne Strata Sydney has been providing false financial summaries for many years (including illegal payments without Special By-Laws or approvals by owners corporation, and some even in non-compliance with the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 and Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2010).

b) How bad it can be: they even removed evidence of corrected six-monthly statement for FY2013 from the web site (the one that had amended details for the legal costs in March 2013).

Due to serious questions at AGM 2013, Raine & Horne Strata Sydney removed the evidence but I have both copies anyway...

In its own right, that is a clear criminal activity, and in non-compliance with the Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002.

I openly asked the EC members and the Strata Manager Mr. Peter Bone about te "missing" document on 6 November 2013 and they responded with "silence".

At this stage, I am moving very slowly through Department of Fair Trading and CTTT. It is so poor action by the government bodies that I lost three cases without proper reviews by the CTTT (they so far primarily complained about voluminous evidence that they had no time to read). But that is not an obstacle: truth always surfaces.

c) If you were in position of an ordinary owner in the complex, how much would you trust the audits when they have so easily-detectable errors in the future?

d) Raine & Horne Strata Sydney did not do you a favor and as far as I am concerned, your image is tarnished unless some action on your side does not follow to correct the wrongs...

Note that owners in the complex have absolutely no information about what is really going on, not only with lifts but many other issues.

After all, once a reputation of a company is damaged, it is not easy to recover from it. I am sure you do not want it.

My goal is simple: to protect my and others owner's investment in property, ensure timely repairs and upgrades at reasonable costs, ensure proper competition and transparency in management of the complex, and compliance with the law (including OH&S).

If you wish to speak to me, or get more details, be free to do so.

I am not hiding behind anyone.
