Subject: Re: Investigations about EC member
From: SP52948 owner
Date: 06/11/15 21:50
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Now that the AGM continues to be illegal in 2015, and serious financial mismanagement
becomes even more worrying, it is time to reveal the following investigation.

Number of reports were written to various companies about this EC member,
and it is up to him to investigate their director or not. Duty of every honest citizen
is to take action against crimes.

Of course, EC member(s) can offer evidence that he is a great manager and that without
him our complex would be so much worse off!?

To make things more interesting for him, more actions are underway.

The last person who had my cheque in amount of $10,000.00 on
13th of February 2014 was this EC member and his wife. He received
it in person from corrupt Solicitor Mr. Adrian Mueller. Since that time,
there is no evidence that this and second cheque in amount of $16,500.00
was ever deposited in owners corporation funds. All efforts to
verify the accounting (SSMA 1006 S108) were declined by BCS.

So, here is the suggestion: EC member misappropriated the money.
It is up to him, EC members and BCS and to prove the innocence.
Fact is that he was witnessed taking the cheque and then nobody in
the complex saw it in the financial statements ever since.

These are selected examples of losses in common funds for AGM 2015:

NSW COO of BCS Mr. Greg Freeman, who, with the single EC
member negotiated so-called “loyalty discount”
from $33,498.00 to @29,900.00 plus GST) per year on
24 October 2011 (contract valid from 1 Sep 2011).
Losses to owners: 3 x $3,598.00 = $10,749.00, plus 10% interest)

$14,000.00 for overpaid security hours during FY 2014

$14,000.00 for overpaid insurance in 2013

$650.00 for invoices for other complexes in 2015

$15,000.00 for garden beds repairs above original best professional quote

$2,750.00 for double paid invoice to NCB Plumbing

$4,136.00 for unnecessary gate towards M2 council land in 2014

Overpaid water and gas reimbursements against Special By-Law 13
in amount of around $8,000.00

Around $35,000 for BigAir operation not reimbursing owners corporation
after the eviction notice on 31 January 2014

Large expenses amounting to around $580,000.00 in FY 2015 cannot even
be fully evaluated without serious investigations but the fact is that they were
incurred without tenders or duty of care.

Loses due to not exercising collection of levies for second gas connections
per Special By-Law 12 (EC member Stan Pogorelsky owing more than
$2,500.00 alone)

Have a great weekend and expect official actions in the coming weeks.