Subject: Re: Missing Documents for Lot 158 and proxies
From: SP52948 owner
Date: 25/01/16 20:14
To: Gary Mills
CC: Mike Smythe <>,,
Hi Gary,

Whilst your message looks friendly at the first impression, it is actually very
abusive, disrespectful, and dangerous. You also question my integrity.

My first request for document search in 2015 was on 6 August 2015 but not
responded to or acknowledged by BCS. Request for document viewing was resent on
2 September 2015, and then forwarded to COO of BCS Strata Management Mr. Greg
Freeman on 15 September 2015. Like AGM 2014, AGM 2015 was conducted without
allowing access to strata documents not only to me, but also proxies vested in me.
Only in the fourth attempt, when I forced BCS to give access (I paid for search without
the invoice, you are very well aware how much time DEFT spent trying to sort it out).

More than 90% of the documents were NOT AVAILABLE on the day of my visit.
I documented it in front of you and asked that you, or your manager sign it.
Both of you refused. I also proposed that you photocopy the document, which you
seemingly rejected. Your choice.

I forced you to listen to message left for Mr. Greg Nash at PICA Group at the end of the visit.
In very renown forum, in front of massive audience, he "personally promised" the investigation.
He also committed to call back. For the sake of documentation: nobody ever
called me or contacted me, let alone "fixed" the problems.

Now, all of a sudden, somebody instructed you to "search for some documents that
might not have been available" when I spent significant time in the BCS office.

My response to BCS is as follows: figure out what was missing as per my request and
send immediately. If you cannot do it, send EVERYTHING. Majority of the documents were
not available, so resending few that were available is not a major issue for BCS.

I will give BCS three days (till this Friday) to respond.

My internet sites have been documented to BCS, EC members and all owners for almost five years.
They have also been disclosed in CTTT cases. BCS and EC members even tried to force CTTT to
prevent me from publishing facts about mismanagement. All such efforts failed.

Let me explain in brief words how serious it is. If BCS wants to resolve
them then they have to speak to me directly and without lies and bullying. And use very
careful language. My wife is very ill and affected by bullying in the complex (thanks to you).
If her health deteriorates further, BCS will be held liable for professional negligence
causing serious illness or (let's hope not) death. This is not a joke.

a) My attempts for better management of the complex have been met with
extreme cases of hate, ridicule towards my family and me, and huge efforts to
prevent access to documents that legally nobody has rights to do.

In spite of all such efforts, as the evidence shows, I am able, step by step,
to show who BCS really are and enforce laws.

Your direct actions over the last five years endanger my family and me:

* Anonymous hate email in letterbox on 6 October 2011. Police Event submitted
on 7 October 2011.

* EC Member Ms. Sandy Quick attack on my wife in garage on
20 October 2011. My wife reported it to Police. I was away on business
at the time.

* Anonymous phone death threat in 2012. I reported it officially
to Minister of NSW Department of Fair Trading on 22 March 2013 and
several times in CTTT cases (it is on record the Adjudicator said
she did not care about it!? - but that is a separate story for me to share
with the world). Mr. Moses Levitt was witness to hear it.
* EC Member Mr. Moses Levitt's verbal attack and light assault on my wife
on 31 October 2015. Police Event recorded.

* While waiting for outcome of DFT Mediation attempt, Police Event
was raised against Cahirperson of the EC and BCS on 18 November 2015.
As we all know, OC allegedly declined to attend Mediation without EC meeting
and without notifying owners, only two days after receiving note from
the Department of Fair Trading.

My family and me were called "non-believers" (by religious supremacist
who is on the EC), another EC member submitted to CTTT that
I was "educated under dictatorship of Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia" and
did not know what democracy was, and so on.

Much more is in my evidence.

b) How much BCS did not (and still does not) care about proper management and
my safety, shows the email from Mr. Simon Wicks, who said the following when I
reported anonymous threat against me and to be very careful about fair and punctual
reporting to owners:

From: Simon Wicks <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 16:38:12 +1100
Subject: CRIMINAL REPORT TO POLICE: Personal Hate Mail Received
Macquarie Gardens SP 52948 - 6 Oct 2011

Thank you for your email.
Private mail addressed to you by parties unknown is not a matter for the members
of the Strata Plan to consider.

c) The actions by BCS are predictive, deliberate, pre-meditated, and designed to
scare all those who ask questions. Two document searches in previous years, with
almost identical outcomes, are enclosed herewith.

And one more with the language identical to yours from previous Branch Manager
Mr. Paul Banoob:

From: Paul Banoob <>
To: "'SP52948 owner'" <SP52948 owner>
CC: Peter Bone <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 09:11:52 +1100
Subject: RE: SUMMARY OF INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTATION: RE: REQUEST FOR ACCESS: SP52948 document viewing on 12 Dec 2012

You have my word that all records will be looked at and any information we have will
be sent to you.

Needless to say, most of the documents I never received!

No further comments are needed.

It is BCS's duty and legal obligation to conduct comprehensive internal investigation,
and deal with massive issues. 28 attempts to engage Mr. Greg Freeman were ignored
by him. Not the way to satisfy customers.

On 19/01/16 16:49, Gary Mills wrote:
I have just come back from a month of holidays venturing around Tasmania…

Please let me know in point form what if any documents you are missing and we will try to find them.

I have more than 300 emails reply to since my absence so I maybe slow to reply to any questions however I will try to assist quickly with missing docs.

Gary Mills

Portfolio Manager


Level 2, 51 Rawson Street, Epping, NSW, 2121

Locked Bag 22, Haymarket NSW 1238

T: (02) 9868 2999<>

Enhancing Community Living
