Subject: ADVANCE NOMINATION for SP52948 Executive Committee from Owner for AGM 2015
From: SP52948 owner
Date: 26/10/15 21:49
To: billy Cheung <>,,
Through separate email, you will receive my proxy vote, with voting against all Motions,
in case I cannot attend due to busy work schedule.

It is already illegal because Motion sent to to Mr. Billy Cheung
and Russell Young on 27 January 2015 was not included,
as per legal requirements:

Motion by SP52948 owner on 27Jan2015

Additional Motions were announced to BCS Strata Manager
in September and October 2015, including clear notice
that one is recommended by Department of Fair Trading.

AGM 2014 was illegal too because there is no proof of quorum.
EC and Strata Manager were asked numerous times to refute
my statements. Silence is not a valid response, so arbitration by
government bodies will be enforced, one way or another.

Proper action will have to follow as I am not prepared to
pay for deliberate mistakes and mismanagement by EC and
Strata Manager. I am sure you do not like your money being

1. Agenda for AGM 2015 is full of deliberate errors
and misconstrued statements.

NBN roll-out is delayed for much longer than most owners
assume: until first half of 2018. Refer to the attached document.

Ensure that you do not raise false expectations in owners.

2. In spite of busy schedule with work, I am prepared to be part of
to sort out numerous problems in the complex, and save money!

I enclose my own plan what should happen during 2016 and
early 2017.

I also enclose some of my contributions that most owners are not
aware of. There are many more I work on in the background,
but EC and Strata Manager have no courage to admit or give credits

3. I encouraged all owners to vote against all Motions up and
inclusive of number  11. due to the fact that the financial status is
deliberately hidden and misconstrued.
Even partial access to data easily proves that there is lot of
"fishy" business yet again.

That is how I will vote.

Some personal notes to highlight proposed Motions:

Motion 8 (to approve Kintyre alleged urgent repairs on roof of Block D)
is not connected to Motion 12 of the previous AGM 2014. Also,
this work was planned in March 2015 and started only in October 2015!
Even if we take into account that alleged top-floor water leak repairs were
done by June 2015 (as EC Chairperson claims), there is absolutely no
justification to delay roof repairs for another three months. But there is a logical
explanation why it happened: it delayed payment within FY 2015, and created
false balance sheet due to deferred expenses. It also allowed the EC and
Strata Manager to claim that there was "no time to seek additional quotes"
due to "urgency" of repairs. Finally, EC and Strata Manager failed to comply
with Motion 16 of AGM 2014 which forces at least two quotes for each work.

Motion 11 is illegal. No owner and Caretaker can enter the common property
unless invited. Our Special By-Law is worthless and unenforceable. Only if there
is reasonable suspicion that somebody is contributing to excessive usage or
other illegal works (for example, few townhouse owners claiming high water and
excessive gas usage) , or fire safety inspection can enter the property.
I, personally, have never allowed any so-called checks of gas connections in
my property but have provided written statement that I do not have
such installation. That is legally binding and I am quite OK with it. I would love to
see anyone who thinks they can challenge it.