Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Pica Group Dr. Adrian Carr ignored repetitive request to provide access to eight files in CTTT case SCS 12/32675 in spite of knowing they were forgeries on 21 July 2018

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Dr Adrian Carr Pica Group
Subject: Re: REPEATED HIGH PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST: Immediate access to eight SP52948 files - 21Jul2018
Date: 4/7/19, 7:10 pm


Passage of time is a very good way to make things come to the surface.

Some updates to share:

I have now collected information with full evidence that none of the general meetings conducted by BCS Strata Management could satisfy quorum due to unfinancial owners and that BCS Strata Management failed to collect correct GST for Australian Taxation Office. "Unfinancial owners" was not part of the CTTT hearings. It was confirmed through a Solicitor.

Office of Legal Services Ombudsman confirmed on 1 March 2019 and 29 June 2019 that they would help the Police and/or SP52948 owners corporation obtain copies of the eight emails upon request. SOlicitor Adrian Mueller has legal obligation to keep them for sever years (after the end of legal proceedings), which ends in February 2021.

I welcome any comments.


On 23/7/18 9:01 pm, SP52948 owner wrote:

As Licensee-In-Charge of BCS, I reply to your email seeking information and requesting we undertake research for certain documents and make further comments in relation to a series of attachments to your email.

Your plan is now managed by Waratah Strata at Eastwood and I suggest you seek to do a search of their books and records in relation to the documents that you seek. We no longer manage your strata scheme and thus have no authority to give you any access to any documents of the owners corporation or those held by BCS.

It would appear that you are seeking documents that I understand were both subject to legal privilege and the matters to which you refer were the subject of a deed of agreement to which you were a party.

As far as our company is concerned the matters you refer to, that arose more than 5 years ago, are now closed.